Monthly Company Safety Training

Monthly Company Safety Training – Fire Drill   Every month, Misarma will conduct a fire drill practice as a company safety training. This month, we did another fire drill company safety practice. We take workplace safety in high regards. In the company, Read More

Wood Products: 5 Great Ideas

Proven Products That Are Beneficial To Anyone We have stressed from time and time again that wood product is versatile. Wood products’ adaptability is the reason why many industries and users have continuously made use of it. Take a look at your Read More

Industrial Supplies: 5 Beneficial Reasons

Industrial Supplies for Workplace Maintenance is Vital After All We have been selling industrial supplies to so many diversified organizations for so many years. And we are proud of it! The industrial supplies we have been selling within Miri, Sarawak usually include Read More

5 Reasons Why You Need Pest Control

And More Reasons That You Should Not Be Skeptical About Pest Eradication With our recent venture into pest control with Prokil Pest, we strongly believe that there are reasons why you’d need such services. Here are a few reasons why you need Read More

Versatility of Our Wood Products

We Provide Only The Best Wood Products Have you ever wondered how and why wood products are versatile yet adaptable? People are often put off by wood products for valid reasons. “Breakable” and “not long-lasting” are just some of the reasons provided. Read More