Wharf Services 5 Benefits Image via Pexels

5 Benefits of Wharf Services

And How It Helps With Increasing Wharf Productions

Our wharf services are able to provide a lot of benefits to your shipping companies. Based in Miri, Sarawak, it can include services such as berthing and unberthing, shipping services, crew change, and so on. Sometimes it may provide catering services to go with their marine and offshore services. However, catering itself can be an entirely independent service. Wharf services can be for a lot of services and trades. They are generally more used by the oil and gas sector. Usually, they are also for stereotypically for shipping, berthing services, and many other marine-related sectors.

As wharf services are beneficial for a lot of sectors, here are some benefits to it.

1. Efficient and seamless wharf services

Efficient wharf services
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We understand that having an efficient and seamless wharf service is what a lot of shipping companies love to have. Our wharf services are able to accommodate those industrial needs.

Our marine wharf is sufficient enough to accommodate a certain number of ships of a certain size at any given time. The wharf is located strategically by Baong River in Miri. It is sufficient enough to provide our clients with some of the best wharf services. You can expect great turnaround time as much as top-notch personnel and documentation handling.

We have worked closely with some of the leading oil and gas sector companies so far. That means we are able to handle some of the high-volume projects that were distributed to us.

2. Personnel and material handling

Personnel and material handling
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We understand that a lot of companies do not like messy handling of personnel and their personal item. They also would not like having their material and similar cargo being mishandled. With that being said, wharf services usually have a dedicated team who are ready to help where needed.

Wharf services usually have a team of ground staffs who are ready on-site to help with baggage handling. They ensure that your team of ship staffs do not have to go through the hassle of having to take their belongings offshore themselves. All the tiny extra help will definitely help.

3. Berthing and unberthing services

5 benefits wharf services Berthing and unberthing services - Image via Pexels
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Berthing and unberthing services generally mean having ships dock at wharfs. It can be for just a few days to a few months. The duration of berthing and unberthing generally depends on how long the ship needs to stay docked at the wharf area.

These berthing and unberthing services are a common and integral part of a lot of wharf services. It’s so normal for a wharf to have one that everyone stereotypically thinks that a wharf should come with one.

4. Provides cargo services for ease of imports and exports

Cargo services
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One of the main services wharf service provides are cargo services for shipping purposes. It’s one of the most common wharf services you can ever find across almost every wharfs. However, the volume of ships coming in depends on the available space the wharf has.

If there is too little space, then, of course, the wharf will accommodate fewer ships for cargo. The same thing if the wharf has more space, then it can accommodate more. Cargo services generally mean that the wharf service will help with cargo shipping. It will usually come with customisable wire sling services, material handling services, and so on.

5. All-rounder packages you can expect from wharfs

All rounder wharf services
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This is probably something that probably a lot of people in the industry don’t talk about. A lot of wharf services come with an all-rounder service package. It’s their business ventures into providing only the best for their client base.

Think about it though – a lot of wharf will provide the following services:

  • Material handling
  • Cargo shipping
  • General shipping services
  • Customisable lifting services
  • Crew change terminal
  • Catering services (usually for offshore, but applies to onshore as well)
  • Berthing and unberthing services
  • Dockyard services
  • Ship chartering services
  • And many more similar maritime services

Wharf services ensure that they provide a holistic package to fit their clients’ needs. This is not just to make the clients’ lives easier but also an entirely business vantage for a lot of wharf owners.

Key Takeaway

Wharf Services are indeed an advantageous benefit for a lot of shipping and offshore companies. Most companies and organisations that need wharf services the most are usually oil and gas sectors, shipping companies, and cargo companies.

Misarma Marine is able to provide the necessary wharf services you need. We are more than happy and ready to serve where needed. If you ever need catering services, our partner company Armada Bangsa is more than willing to provide as such.

Feel free to reach out to us if you ever need any of the above services.

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