Wood Products Misarma Enterprise Miri Blog Feature Image

Wood Products Available With Misarma Enterprise Miri

Wood Products With Misarma

Despite wood products being seen as “unpopular” due to it being breakable, many people still use it for multiple purposes. They are popular for quite a few reasons as people use them in a variety of areas.

Carry on reading to find out more about the kind of wood products we sell.

Wood Products Misarma Enterprise Sells

Keruing Blog Image
Images via Independent Malaysia, Meranti Trader, Urban Forest, and Wood Database.

Here at Misarma Enterprise, we sell a relatively wide range of wooden products. Below are just some of the common wood products we sell.

Wooden Pallets

Wooden Pallets - Miri Suppliers
Image copyright for Misarma, Malaysia

Wooden pallets are the most popular wood products we have sold to date. We sell 2-way wood pallets and 4-way pallets. The sizes can be customized to your requirements. After all, we are flexible and adaptable just like that.

Our wooden pallets are made from a variety of wood types. Belian, Resak, Meranti, and a few others to name a few.

Wooden Boxes

We also sell wooden boxes for anyone who is looking for some. The wooden boxes we sell have no set sizes. We are able to make the box sizes according to the sizes you need. All you need to do is ask and we shall provide accordingly.

Timber Products

Wooden pallets - Images via Canva
Wooden pallets – Images via Canva

We have a series of timber woods for sale. Among them are Belian, Resak, Meranti, Red Meranti, Rubberwood, Selangan Batu, Rubberwood, to name a few. The availability of each wood types is subject to timber readiness. If there are any that are readily available, you’ll get it within reasonable time frames.

Pricing of Our Wood Products

Rubberwood - Images via Trada UK, BTP Timbers, and Wood Working Network
Images via Trada UK, BTP Timbers, and Wood Working Network

You may have questions about how much our wooden product costs. We can only tell you that it depends.

For example, our timber product pricing depends on the market rate of timber. The timber rates may differ from time to time. Its pricing may change periodically, and it’s something that is not within our control.

Our wooden pallet pricing isn’t set either. The pricing depends on the size and other customization you are looking for your wooden pallets. The same thing can be said about the wooden boxes you want us to make for you.

How To Order Wood Products From Us?

Wooden Pallets - Infographics
Infographic Copyrighted for Misarma Enterprise

It’s simple really. All you need to do is to contact us at the following contact details:

Address: Lot 2075 Jalan Disa, Krokop,98000 Miri Sarawak

Working Hours: Mondays to Fridays 8.00 am to 5.00 pm; Saturdays 8am-12pm

Telephone Line: +6085 416 320 or +6085 433 101

Email: enquiry@misarma.com

If you have any further enquiries, do not hesitate to contact us. We are more than ready to help you!

Contact Us

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